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(Review) Klavuu White Pearlsation Enriched Divine Pearl Serum Mask (English)


How's your summer holiday? Great? Yeah I felt great because I got to buy many beauty stuff this summer, so I'm really excited to try it, but no, I won't make haul post because I don't want people saw the products and then expect me to review it very soon, I will really feel the pressure and I don't want that.

Buutttt...... Now I will review you the new mask that I got from Rivecowe AA CreamUltrue mask, and VANT CC Cushion.

 But I guarantee you guys they pick the reviewer randomly so you better pray a very huge luck to get those and I actually lost count of how many times I tried to participate, thankfully they let those who already chosen in the past for participate again.

OK, I think I've said too much, so now onward with the review!.

klavuu white pearlsation mask
Klavuu is a new Korean merk which choose a pearl and seaweed extract to be the main ingredients, beside mask there's Klavuu white pearlsation cream, serum, etc.

courtesy : klavuu.com

 The claims are improving your wrinkles and whitening effect, and they apparently have patented sheet fabric, silky and shiny texture. I dunno why I should impressed because I have actually seen some Korean masks using 'silky texture' like Dr. Althea, but... well let's just look at the real product.

upper part box


below the box

the back of the box

The box contains 5 sheets mask, and you can see at the back of the box there's instruction how to use, ingredients, explanation of product, and the merk name and address. I really glad there's English translation for how to use and ingredients so I won't get confused, apparently besides Korea, KLAVUU is targeting International market as well, you can see their website has English version.

the masks
Like the box, the mask use white theme background that I found very simple but elegant, it's screamed with luxury, so I was really excited to try it. The back of the mask sachet has the same instruction like the box.

the mask

When I first open one of the masks, I was struck by a strong smell, it's not unpleasant but I really wondering what's that smell, because as much as I try to define, it smelled like cake, and alcohol, but I caught a hint of fresh sea water smell, I felt like I'm drowning in the sea when I use this mask, haha really I felt that way.

mesh net protector?
The mask's wet and silky, it looked very smooth and too big for my face. The mask essence had watery texture, with milky color. I noticed there's little scrubs on the essence, for a second I thought it was real sea salt :o.

me using KLAVUU
Sadly when I put it on my face I felt stinging sensation, and I thought it's because the alcohol. I tried to brush it off because maybe it's the way of how it works.

kiri sebelum kanan sesudah
The result? I have acne kasus these several months, visible veins, and acne scars. Sadly I don't think I got a good result from KLAVUU, I felt the whitening effect wasn't that good, and my active acne became irritated so on the right picture you can see my acne slightly more swollen. I dunno if this because my sensitive acne prone skin, or it's because this is he first time I used it, or this product is just doesn't suit me, sadly their claim that suit for all skin types is not true.

Yes I notice my skin became glowy and firmer, but the glowing effect became oily mess after several hours, the most annoying part was I really REALLY felt like I just went swimming on the beach and got hot sunshine through my skin. Yep that kind of irritation. I dunno about the wrinkle because I still fairly young soooo I'm not really into anti-wrinkle solution.

What I like
- Sleek and elegant design
- English translation
- Firming effect
- moisturize

What I don't like
- Make my skin more oily
- Whitening effect so-so
- Alcohol scent/essence
- Not really suitable for all skin types
- There's 'salt scrubs' on the mask essence

Overal 3/5
Purchase? No.

I really wanna like this product, because it looks so damn luxurious, and the actual retail price's really gonna make my bank account broke ($33,31). But yeah I guess this mask doesn't suit me, what a shame :(.

But I do think KLAVUU White Pearlsation Enrich Divine Serum Mask would suit dry to combination skin, and normal skin that doesn't need extra care and just want to have hydrating and whitening effect. And once again thank you 08 Liter Indonesia that let me use this mask for me to review.

EDIT SEPT 13 2016 : This mask works! my suspicion's right, this mask got stinging sensation because it's the first time I used it, and I have acnes so maybe that's inflammation. BUT the second time I used this mask I got no stinging reaction and it did made my skin smoother and brighter, my acnes have gone so I don't get irritated again. I raised my rating to 3/5 because I still not get awesome whitening results from $33,31 5 mask sheets.

Thanks for sticking up with my review, like, comment, or share below so I'll know what you guys think. Please follow my gfc, blog and my bloglovin account if you like. Contact me so I can follow you back. See you at the next post