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(Review) Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette (Bahasa+English)

Haloooo semuaa!!!! 

Kali ini sudah di penghujung bulan Maret dan ini yakni post keduaku di bulan ini. Kali ini saya akan membahas perihal eyeshadow palette yang udah saya incar dari setahun yang lalu, kok usang banget gres di up? Yah alasannya yakni saya juga barusan dapet, mau tau gimana pendapatku tentang Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette? Yuk baca terus.

Heeellloooo guys!!!!!!

This is the end of March and this is my second post for this month. I will review about an eyeshadow palette that I've targeted for about one year, why I just up this post recently? Because I just got it, want to know what I think about Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette? Read on.

Kelihatan dari packagingnya gemesssh banget kan?? Ini yakni daya tarik yang bikin saya ngebet dapetin palette ini. Tapi di balik keimutan palette ini, dongeng rilisnya mbulet banget ngalahin sinetron, alasannya yakni bahwasanya palette ini akan dirilis sekitar pertengahan 2017, tapi entah mengapa gres dirilis pada alhir 2017 ini, dan Too Faced malah merilis banyak kerja sama dan koleksi lain sebelum kesudahannya merilis si Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette . Mungkin alasannya yakni project ini bersifat agak pribadi, melihat latar belakang palette ini bahwasanya di dedikasikan untuk maskot Too Faced, yaitu anjing chihuahua milik salah satu petinggi Too Faced. Hal lain yang menarik orang untuk membeli yakni alasannya yakni sebagian dari profitnya akan disumbangkan ke yayasan animal shelter di amrik sana, sehingga banyak yang ingin palette ini alasannya yakni sekalian charity.

Looks from packaging, it's super cute right ?? This is the attraction that makes me want this palette. But the story behind this palette is really hectic because actually this palette would be released around mid-2017, but somehow just released in late 2017, and Too Faced even released many collaborations and other collections before finally releasing the Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette. Perhaps because this project is somewhat personal, this palette is actually dedicated to mascot Too Faced, a chihuahua dog belonging to one of the officials Too Faced. Another thing that attracts people to buy is because some of its profits will be donated to the animal shelter foundation in the US there, so many who want this palette because of all the charity.

Anyway, saya akan kembali ke topik review produknya. Pertama membahas packagingnya, Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette  ini mempunyai packaging dari kaleng, dengan ilustrasinya yang bersifat timbul, hal ini membuatku teringat dengan kaleng daerah pensil ketika SD.

Anyway, I'll go back to the topic of the product review. First, discuss the packaging, Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette has a can packaging, with illustrations that are embossed, this makes me remember a pencil case when I was an elementary school.

Di bab dusnya terdapat keterangan nama-nama shade, keterangan perusahaan, barcode, dan juga deskripsi produk, sedangkan di bab "kalengnya" tidak ada, hanya deskripsi produk , nama dan alamat perusahaan, serta barcode. Oh iya, Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette  mempunyai manual yang memperlihatkan petunjung bagaimana menciptakan beberapa eyelook memakai palette ini. 

In the box there is a description of the names of shade, company description, barcode, and also product description, while in the "cans" does not exist, only product description, company name and address, and barcode. Oh yes, Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette has a manual that gives customer how to create multiple eyes looks using this palette.

behind the tin packaging

ingredients, CLICK to zoom
Yang saya suka dari Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette  ini yakni keterangan dari komposisi yang masing-masing shade dijelaskan, biasanya kan ada palette yang eksklusif dicampur jadi satu komposisi tiap shadenya, yang dilakukan TF ini sangat membantu bagi yang mungkin mempunyai alergi bahan-bahan tertentu.

What I love from Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette is a description of the composition of each shade is described, usually there is a palette that is directly mixed all of the for each shade, which is done TF is very helpful for who may have allergies certain ingredients.

Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette memiliki color chart yang menurutku unik dan sedikit gak nyambung, entah alasannya yakni TF sudah kehabisan ilham untuk tema palettenya atau sengaja melemparkan shade-shade neutral dan unik jadi satu semoga penggunanya sanggup berkreasi dengan bebas, but I'm not the biggest fan of the color composition. Tapiiii saya suka banget dengan nama-nama shadenya yang lutchu banget, semuanya menggambarkan perihal man's best friend, yaitu anjing. 

Berikut yakni hasil swatch di tanganku :

Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette has a color chart that I think is unique and a little bit disconnected, either because TF has run out of ideas for the palette theme or deliberately throwing neutral shades and unique so one so that users can be creative, but I'm not the biggest fan of the color composition. But I really like the names of the shades that really cute, all of it describes man's best friend, dogs.

Here are the swatch results in my hand:


Gambar di atas yakni 9 warna pertama dari atas, yaitu : Puppy eyes (glitter white), Lucky Clover (satin green-yellow), Chihuahua (matte soft tan), Fur Baby (matte soft brown), #Savethemall (shimmery dark brown), Spoiled (foiled turquoise), I ruff you (glitter soft beige), Paw print (matte grey brown), Ruh roh (satin dark brown). 

Ada beberapa shade yang menurutku kurang pigmented, terutama yang warna-warna muda menyerupai Puppy eyes, chihuahua, paw print dan I ruff you. Menurutku formula yang satin dan foiled eyeshadow lebih manis dan terasa creamy. Aku sendiri mengalami kesulitan ketika blending warna-warna yang kurang pigmented dan lebih gampang ngeblend yang satin dan foiled.

The picture above is the first 9 colors from the top, namely: Puppy eyes (glitter white), Lucky Clover (satin green-yellow), Chihuahua (matte soft tan), Fur Baby (matte soft brown), #Savethemall (shimmery dark brown) , Spoiled (foiled turquoise), I ruff you (glitter soft beige), Paw print (matte gray-brown), Ruh roh (satin dark brown).

There are some shades that I think are less pigmented, especially the nude colors like Puppy eyes, chihuahua, paw print and I ruff you. I think the satin formula and foiled eyeshadow are nicer and creamy. I myself have difficulty when blending colors that are less pigmented and easier to blend the satin and foiled.


Yang berikutnya yakni 9 shade yang bab tengah dan bawah, menurutku daripada yang shade di atas lebih pigmented yang di bawah. Urutan shade dari atas ke bawah : Love is love (matte barbie pink), Wet kisses (foiled nude brown), Woof ( glittery black), Cuteness overload (shimmery sandy nude), Best friend (foiled grey pink), Cuddle buddy (satin medium brown), Daddies <3 me (satin cranberry), TF mascot ( glittery purple), Good boy (glittery yellow).

Yang paling susah di blend dan kurang pigmented menurutku yakni Cuddle Buddy dan Daddies <3 me, tapi masih mending daripada shade yang di atas. 
Menurutku palette ini lebih ke cenderung glitter alasannya yakni shade satinnya juga mempunyai glitter meskipun sedikit, diantara 18 shade ini ada beberapa shade usang dan beberapa shade baru, meskipun komplain ku di baris bawah ini yakni kenapa hitam dan yellownya berglitter, it's hard to find a good matte black and yellow. 

The next one is 9 shades that are middle and bottom, I think that the shade below the more pigmented ones above. Top-down shade sequences: Love is love (matte barbie pink), Wet kisses (foiled nude brown), Woof (glittery black), Cuteness overload (shimmery sandy nude), Best friend (foiled gray-pink), Cuddle buddy medium brown), Daddies <3 me (satin cranberries), TF mascot (glittery purple), Good boy (glittery yellow).

The the most difficult in the blend and less pigmented I think Cuddle Buddy and Daddies <3 me, but still better than the shade in the first and row.

I think this palette is more about glitter because the satin shade also has a slight glitter, between 18 shades there are some old shade and some new shade, although my complaint on the bottom line is why black and yellow are glittery finish, it's hard to find a good matte black and yellow.

Well, keseluruhan pigmentasi dari Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette  ini biasa aja, ngga bikin impressed tapi juga nggak buruk, bahwasanya kecewa sih alasannya yakni berharap kualitas eyeshadow high end manis banget. Shade fav ku yakni Spoiled dan Best Friend, alasannya yakni cantiiik banget dan pigmentasinya the best lah. Tetapi kedua shade ini mengingatkan shade dari palette The Zulu by Juvia's, berikut yakni perbandingan swatch nya :

Well, the whole pigmentation of Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette is just so-so, not bad but not impressive. I actually disappointed because it hopes for high-end eyeshadow. My fav shade is Spoiled and Best Friend, because it's really great shades and the pigmentation is superb. But both shades are reminiscent of the shade of The Zulu's palette by Juvia's, here is a comparison of its swatches:



Dapat dilihat yang shade Spoiled hampir kembar dengan The Zulu Eyeshadow (The Zulu ga ada nama-nama shadenya), sedangkan yang Best Friend berbeda meskipun sama-sama mengusung dual chrome, yang Juvia's pink champagne sedangkan Too Faced Best Friend ke grey brown dengan pink undertone.

Hal yang menggangguku selain pigmentasi yakni baunya, dengan palette seharga $49 saya masih sanggup mencium bacin chemical meskipun samar-samar, dan sesudah dibuka bacin chemical ini hilang dan saya mencium bacin menyerupai coklat samar-samar. Ketahanan Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette  ini tidak mengecewakan bagus, dengan shade yang muda lebih gampang pudar dan menyisakan hanya glitternya saja, gampang dihapus dan fallsoutnya minim banget, hal terakhir yang saya mau ketika pake eyeshadow yakni meniup niup palettenya alasannya yakni fallsoutnya bertebaran dimana-mana.

It can be seen that shade Spoiled is almost twin with The Zulu Eyeshadow (The Zulu have no names), while the Best Friend is different though both carry dual chrome, Juvia's pink champagne while Too Faced Best Friend to gray-brown with pink undertone.

Another thing that bothers me apart from pigmentation is its smell, with a $ 49 palette I can still smell chemical even though it's vague, and once it's opened the chemical smell is gone and I smell a lil' bit like chocolate. Too Faced Clover Eyeshadow Palette is pretty long lasting, with a nude shade more easily faded and leaving only the glitter, easily removed and falls out are very minimal, the last thing I want when using an eyeshadow is blowing the palette because the falls out scattered everywhere.

What I like about this product :
- Cute design!
- Cute shade names!
- Good foiled eyeshadow
- Long lasting
- Minimum fallsout

What I don't like about this product : 
- Expensive
- Hard to find in Indonesia
- Some shade are sheer and hard to blend
- Chemical scent (?)
- Weird color chart

Overal : 3/5
Repurchase? Uh... maybe

Aku merekomendasikan palette ini untuk yang suka sama cute packaging, selain itu saya lebih merekomendasikan palette lain dengan harga lebih terjangkau. Tapi mungkin saya akan membeli eyeshadow palette dari Too Faced yang lain menyerupai Peach Palette dan Chocolate gold palette karena... packagingnya XD.

I recommend this palette for the likes of the same cute packaging, in addition, I would recommend another palette with a more affordable price. But maybe I'll buy eyeshadow palette from another Too Faced like Peach Palette and Chocolate gold palette because ... the packaging.

Thank you for sticking up with my review, comment, share , or like below so I'll know what you think! See you