Pengantar Informatika : Sistem Komputer Dan Klasifikasinya ( Bilingual )
Pengantar Informatika : Sistem Komputer dan Klasifikasinya ( Bilingual )
System is a collection of related, interacting subsystems (components) combined and organized in such a fashion as to responsive to external stimuli and the influence and constraints of its environment , to accomplish a general or specific purpose.
Sistem adalah kumpulan subsistem (komponen) yang saling terkait yang dikombinasi dan diorganisasikan sedemikian rupa sehingga responsif terhadap rangsangan eksternal, pengaruh, dan hambatan lingkungannya, untuk mencapai tujuan umum atau spesifik.
Contoh Sistem
Asal kata : bahasa Latin “computare” artinya menghitung (to compute)
Perangkat elektronik yang sanggup mendapatkan masukan (data) dan memprosesnya sehingga menghasilkan keluaran (informasi). Agar komputer sanggup difungsikan secara komprehennsif dalam menjalankan tugasnya, perlu sistem komputer.
Sistem Komputer
Sistem komputer adalah kumpulan elemen-elemen komputer yang saling bekerjasama dan saling berinteraksi untuk melaksanakan pengolahan data dengan tujuan menghasilkan isu sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.
Computer systems have four parts :
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- User
Ergonomics : The science of creating work environments that are safe and efficient for workers
Parts of the Computer System
- Hardware
- Mechanical devices in the computer
- Anything that can be touched
- Software
- Tell the computer what to do
- Also called a program
- Thousands of programs exist
- Data
- Pieces of information
- Computer organize and present data
- Users
- People operating the computer
- Most important part
- Tell the computer what to do
Hardware System
Computers use the same basic hardware. Hardware categorized into four types.
Steps followed to process data
Processing Devices
The CPU's main function is to take input from a peripheral (keyboard, mouse, printer, etc) or computer program, interpret what it needs, and then either output information to your monitor, or perform the peripheral's requested task (sort, search, etc).
Central Processing Unit
Control Unit (Unit kendali)
Bagian dari CPU yang bertugas untuk memperlihatkan arahan/kendali/ kontrol terhadap operasi yang dilakukan di bab ALU
Control Unit juga mengatur kapan alat input mendapatkan data, mengolah, dan menampilkan proses serta hasil pengolahan data. Dengan demikian semua perintah sanggup dilakukan secara berurutan tanpa adanya tumpang tindih antara satu perintah dengan perintah lainnya
Arithmatic Logical Unit (Unit Aritmatika dan logika)
Bagian dari CPU yang bertugas melaksanakan operasi/perhitungan aritmatika dan logika
- Contoh operasi aritmatika adalah operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan
- Contoh operasi logika yakni budi AND dan OR
Main Memory
- Memory devices (primary storage)
- Stores data or programs
- Random Access Memory (RAM)
- Volatile
- Stores current data and programs
- More RAM results in a faster system
- Read Only Memory (ROM)
- Permanent storage of programs
- Holds the computer boot directions
Main Memory : ROM
ROM (Read Only Memory)
Memori yang hanya sanggup dibaca. Pengisian ROM dengan jadwal maupun data, dikerjakan oleh pabrik. ROM biasanya sudah ditulisi jadwal maupun data dari pabrik dengan tujuan-tujuan khusus. ROM bersifat non volatile
ROM memuat chip :
- BIOS = Basic Input Output System
- CMOS = complementary metal oxide semiconductor
Saat komputer diaktifkan, BIOS menginstruksikan komputer untuk mencek komponen dan menginformasikan kondisi tsb dan mengetes memori (pada layer akan terlihat tanda penambahan angka mengacu kepada kapasitas memori)
CMOS mencek banyak sekali hal contohnya ukuran dan tipe drive hard disk, tanggal dan waktu sistem, dll.
Main Memory : RAM
RAM (Random Access Memory)
Bagian dari main memory yang sanggup diisi dengan data atau jadwal dari sumber data. Data-data sanggup ditulis maupun dibaca pada lokasi dimana saja di dalam memori. RAM bersifat volatile.
RAM memuat area
- Input Storage Area : Menampung data yang dibaca.
- Program Storage Area : Menyimpan instruksi-instruksi untuk pengolahan.
- Working Storage Area : Tempat dimana pemrosesan data dilakukan.
- Output Storage Area : Menyimpan isu yang telah diolah untuk sementara waktu sebelum disalurkan ke alat- alat output.
Input and Output Devices
Input and output devices
- Allows the user to interact
- Input devices accept data
- Output devices deliver data
- Some devices are input and output
Input Devices
- Transform information into machine usable form
- Examples: terminal keyboard, mouse, joystick, magnetic disk unit, magnetic tape unit
- Until a computer can recognize handwriting, an input device must digitize the information
Transform information from machine usable form into externally usable form.
- Laser printer is a good option to print documents. Laser printers just black & white or color laser printers. If you are looking to be able to make copies of documents, scan a document to a computer, and print documents, the All- in-one laser printer is a good choice.
- Inkjet printer can produce high quality photograph output. The ink is stored in disposable ink cartridges, and often a separate cartridge is used for each of the major colors.
- Dot matrix printer is still commonly used in low-cost, low-quality applications such as cash registers
Storage Devices
- Storage devices ( Secondary storage )
- Hold data and programs permanently
- Different from RAM
- Magnetic storage
- Floppy and hard drive
- Uses a magnet to access data
- Optical storage
- Compact Disc (CD); Digital Video Disc(DVD)
- Uses a laser to access data
- Universal Serial Bus (USB) Flash drive
- Use flash memory (computer chip) to store files
- 2006 : 64Mb, 512Mb; 2012 : 256 Gb
Punch Card
Client – Server
A Server is a computer jadwal or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". This architecture is called the client–server model.
Servers can provide various functionalities, called "services", such as sharing data or resources among multiple clients, or performing computation for a client. A single server can serve multiple clients, and a single client can use multiple servers. Typical servers are database servers, file servers, mail servers, print servers, web servers, game servers, and application servers