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Althea X Get It Beauty : Real Fresh Detox Skin Collaboration


It's me again, in this post I'll share so many exciting news and information for you! First, our beloved Althea Korea website is back! Now you can order K-beauty goodies to Indonesia with this link in.althea.kr. The second news is I've been picked by Althea to become one of their Althea Angels! I feel so blessed! I've received their welcome gift and I'll post about it soon *winkwink*.

And now into the main topic, Althea Korea just launch their skincare line, one of them called Real Fresh Detox Skin. This product has two options: The Rose one and The Green Tea one. 

What's the difference? The Real Rose Skin Detoxer acts as a morning skin detoxer made with roses, gently smooth away roughness and make a radiant glowing skin, on the other part, The Green Tea Skin Detoxer acts as a night skin detoxer made with green tea with skin purifying to soothe and nourish sensitive skin. The most amazing thing is you can detox your face in just about 10 seconds with these! Wow!

Not just that.... Actually Althea just recently had a collaboration with Get It beauty, the no.1 K-beauty Show in Korea, and of course, they talk and test the Real Fresh Detox Skin! K-pop star Jeonghwa from the group EXID is also a fan of the product.

In case if you missed it, you can watch it from here :

You can buy Althea Exclusive Skin Detoxer in here: https://in.althea.kr/althea-exclusives

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