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Ngelencer ke Yogyakarta
By:Vindex Tengker
Published on 2017-05-15 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Dalam buku ini Chef Vindex Tengker mengupas tuntas keragaman kuliner khas Kota Yogyakarta, baik dari aspek loso , bahan-bahan, serta cara membuatnya. Ada 42 resep khas Keraton Yogyakarta, Pasar Beringharjo, dan Kota Yogya, yang keberadaannya semakin langka seperti DAGING LOMBOK KETHOK, MANGUT LELE, BISTIK JAWA, GECOK KAMBING, SINGGANG AYAM, TONGSENG KAMBING, SEMUR LIDAH, NASI GOLONG, NASI BLAWONG, PERAWAN KENES, ARSENG, TAPAK KUCING, SOTO AYAM LENTHOK YOGYA, KLENYEM, BRONGKOS IGA SAPI, SATE KLATAK, KRENGSENGAN SAPI, MIE BASAH KADIN, SEGO KUCING ANGKRINGAN, WEDHANG RONDE, dan banyak lagi. Dilengkapi visualisasi foto-foto kisah perjalanan sang chef mblusukan ke berbagai sudut Kota Gudeg. Yuk, ngelencer ke Yogyakarta! In this book, Chef Vindex Tengker discusses in detail the diverse typical cuisines of the City of Yogyakarta, including the philosophy, ingredients, and methods of preparing them. It contains 42 typical recipes of the Palace, Beringharjo Market, and the City of Yogyakarta, that have increasingly been scarce, such as DAGING LOMBOK KETHOK, MANGUT LELE, BISTIK JAWA, GECOK KAMBING, SINGGANG AYAM, TONGSENG KAMBING, SEMUR LIDAH, NASI GOLONG, NASI BLAWONG, PERAWAN KENES, ARSENG, TAPAK KUCING, SOTO AYAM LENTHOK YOGYA, KLENYEM, BRONGKOS IGA SAPI, SATE KLATAK, KRENGSENGAN G SAPI, MIE BASAH KADIN, SEGO KUCING ANGKRINGAN, WEDHANG RONDE, and many more. e recipes are furnished with pictures that capture the trip of the chef in exploring various corners of the City of Gudeg. Come, join us sightseeing in Yogyakarta!

This Book was ranked at 7 by Google Books for keyword recipes.

Book ID of Ngelencer ke Yogyakarta's Books is rstGDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byVindex Tengkerhave ETAG "Rw/4GtLbMrc"

Book which was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama since 2017-05-15 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9786020353425 and ISBN 10 Code is 6020353427

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Book which have "204 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryCooking

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